Aged Care Assessment Services supports older Australians wishing to access government subsidised aged care services.

After you register with My Aged Care an assessment organisation, such as ACNA, will contact you to arrange your pre-assessment by phone followed by your home assessment. The assessment process is required for all types of care and support - including help at home, short-term care and care in an aged care home.
Register with My Aged Care
To register, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. Have your Medicare card ready and allow at least 10 minutes to go through their questions.
If you are a carer or family member helping someone else with My Aged Care, you need their consent to speak on their behalf. See My Aged Care Portal - Talking to My Aged Care for someone.
My Aged Care will refer you for an assessment with an appropriately credentialed assessor for both entry level and complex needs.
Your Assessment
The Department of Health and Aged Care provides excellent resources to help you prepare for you assessement through My Aged Care.
Find out more about what to expect on the My Aged Care Portal - Preparing for an assessment.
The Single Assessment System
The Australian Government has established a new Single Assessment System to simplify and improve aged care assessments. The new system makes it easier for older people to access government-funded aged care services as their needs change.
You can read more about the new Single Assessment System here.
Complete our simple online form and we'll get back to you, or call us to speak with our team.